2010年8月31日 星期二
2010年8月26日 星期四
不錯 標題很吸引我
R L S W total
Apr 27, 2008 21 8 11 17 57
March 27, 2010 25 24 19 22 90
May 16, 2010 26 24 20 27 97
June 12, 2010 30 24 20 28 102
July 24, 2010 26 21 23 27 97
只寫黃金56篇兩遍跟Cambridge一遍。做的方式是,計時每篇20分鐘,一次寫三篇,先看題目再看文章。寫完之後最重要的是檢討,Perryhau 會把所有不懂的單字都抄出來另外背(不管是不是單字題),把每一句都弄到懂為止,檢討的時候不管花多少時間,一定要好好檢討一遍。她在寫第二次的時候,文章內容也忘得差不多了,只有少部分題目有印象,所以還是很有價值。尤其在考試前一周,Perryhau每天都會安排幾篇來保持感覺。此外,有朋友在北美考試有遇到裡面相關的題目,所以大家還是讀詳細點比較好。
材料:綠寶、Barron’s、知音II、TPO1~14、CNN Student News、Timmy and Moby
最一開始的兩個月,她都只準備聽力跟補習班上課會用到的模考等作業,花了很多時間在聽力上。聽力最重要的是每天聽,她準備的方式是,第一二次專心聽並寫題目(先不對答案,第三次聽完再對),第三次一句一句聽,聽不懂就倒回去聽,聽了5.6遍真的聽不懂再看文本,整篇聽完後,Perryhau會加快 1.2~1.4倍把整篇在聽一次。(MP3檔的話,用GOM PLAYER音質就不會差很多了,而且也很方便,可以調要倒回去幾秒,不過有時候會破音,只需重開檔案即可)
TPO:當前面底都打得差不多的時候再開始寫TPO,不然會浪費題目。TPO Perryhau聽了快10次,考前一周跟在進考場的等待時間,都會找幾篇比較不熟的來保持一下感覺。
CNN Student News: Perryhau很喜歡這個PODCAST,雖然是新聞,但主題都還滿有趣的,可以當作休閒,也可以順便多了解一點美國,她每天都會聽,但現在因美國放暑假,所以要等到8月中才會有新的出來。
Timmy and Moby:很有趣的背景知識影片,累的時候可以用來休息一下。
R L S W total
Apr 27, 2008 21 8 11 17 57
March 27, 2010 25 24 19 22 90
May 16, 2010 26 24 20 27 97
June 12, 2010 30 24 20 28 102
July 24, 2010 26 21 23 27 97
只寫黃金56篇兩遍跟Cambridge一遍。做的方式是,計時每篇20分鐘,一次寫三篇,先看題目再看文章。寫完之後最重要的是檢討,Perryhau 會把所有不懂的單字都抄出來另外背(不管是不是單字題),把每一句都弄到懂為止,檢討的時候不管花多少時間,一定要好好檢討一遍。她在寫第二次的時候,文章內容也忘得差不多了,只有少部分題目有印象,所以還是很有價值。尤其在考試前一周,Perryhau每天都會安排幾篇來保持感覺。此外,有朋友在北美考試有遇到裡面相關的題目,所以大家還是讀詳細點比較好。
材料:綠寶、Barron’s、知音II、TPO1~14、CNN Student News、Timmy and Moby
最一開始的兩個月,她都只準備聽力跟補習班上課會用到的模考等作業,花了很多時間在聽力上。聽力最重要的是每天聽,她準備的方式是,第一二次專心聽並寫題目(先不對答案,第三次聽完再對),第三次一句一句聽,聽不懂就倒回去聽,聽了5.6遍真的聽不懂再看文本,整篇聽完後,Perryhau會加快 1.2~1.4倍把整篇在聽一次。(MP3檔的話,用GOM PLAYER音質就不會差很多了,而且也很方便,可以調要倒回去幾秒,不過有時候會破音,只需重開檔案即可)
TPO:當前面底都打得差不多的時候再開始寫TPO,不然會浪費題目。TPO Perryhau聽了快10次,考前一周跟在進考場的等待時間,都會找幾篇比較不熟的來保持一下感覺。
CNN Student News: Perryhau很喜歡這個PODCAST,雖然是新聞,但主題都還滿有趣的,可以當作休閒,也可以順便多了解一點美國,她每天都會聽,但現在因美國放暑假,所以要等到8月中才會有新的出來。
Timmy and Moby:很有趣的背景知識影片,累的時候可以用來休息一下。
public schools:
University of California (UC) systems
California State University (CSU) systems
private schools:
such as Stanford, USC, and Caltech
Ivy League schools are known for their academics
public schools:
University of California (UC) systems
California State University (CSU) systems
private schools:
such as Stanford, USC, and Caltech
Ivy League schools are known for their academics
2010年8月24日 星期二
Jr-Kai Yu
My research is focused on developmental mechanisms of the cephalochordate amphioxus. Amphioxus is a basal chordate and is the best available stand-in for the proximate invertebrate ancestor of the vertebrates. The body plans of amphioxus and vertebrates share chordate key features (e.g. dorsal nerve cord, notochord, segmented somites, and pharyngeal gill slits). However, vertebrates have additional characters not present in amphioxus- namely, a more elaborate head and forebrain, migratory neural crest, and neurogenic placodes. My goal in studying the developmental genetics of amphioxus is to elucidate the basic patterning mechanisms for the chordate body plan. Because of its important evolutionary position, comparative studies of amphioxus with vertebrates will also provide important insights to understand the origin of the patterning mechanisms that lead to the vertebrate body plan.
One of the specific questions I would like to address with amphioxus as a model system is the origin of neural crest. Arising at the neural plate border, vertebrate neural crest cells undergo an epithelial to mesenchymal transition (EMT) to become a migratory cell population that forms numerous differentiated cell types, including the craniofacial skeleton, much of the peripheral nervous system, and pigment cells of the skin. Evolution of the neural crest is a hallmark of vertebrates, responsible for many complex structures of the vertebrate head that are lacking in invertebrate chordates, like amphioxus. By comparing the genetic controls operating during development at the edges of the neural plate in embryos of amphioxus and traditional vertebrate models, we can start to pin-point which part of the gene regulatory network might have been changed over time.
cDNA database for the cephalochordate amphioxus Branchiostoma floridae
Selected Publications
1. J. K. S. Yu.*, in press, "The evolutionary origin of the vertebrate neural crest and its developmental gene regulatory network - insights from amphioxus", Zoology. ( SCI )
2. B. Bajoghli, N. Aghaallaei, I. Hess, I. Rode, N. Netuschil, B. H. Tay, B. Venkatesh, J. K. Yu, S. L. Kaltenbach, N. D. Holland, D. Diekhoff, C. Happe, M. Schorpp, T. Boehm, 2009, "Evolution of genetic networks underlying the emergence of thymopoiesis in vertebrates.", Cell, 138, 186-197. ( SCI )
3. S. L. Kaltenbach, J. K. Yu, N. D. Holland*, 2009, "The origin and migration of the earliest-developing sensory neurons in the peripheral nervous system of amphioxus", Evol. Dev., 11, 142-151. ( SCI )
4. J. K. Yu*, M. C. Wang, T. Shin-i, Y. Kohara, L. Z. Holland*, N. Satoh* and Y. Satou, 2008, "A cDNA resource for the cephalochordate amphioxus Branchiostoma floridae", Dev Genes Evol., 218, 723-727. ( SCI )
5. J. K. Yu, D. Meulemans, S. J. McKeown and M. Bronner-Fraser*, 2008, "Insights from the amphioxus genome on the origin of vertebrate neural crest", Genome Research, 18, 1127-1132. ( SCI )
6. N. H. Putnam, T. Butts, D. E. K. Ferrier, R. F. Furlong, U. Hellsten, T. Kawashima, M. Robinson-Rechavi, E. Shoguchi, A. Terry, J. K. Yu, È Benito-Gutiérrez, I. Dubchak, J. Garcia-Fernàndez, I. V. Grigoriev, A. C. Horton, P. J. D. Jong, J. Jurka, V. Kapitonov, Y. Kohara, Y. Kuroki, E. Lindquist, S. Lucas, K. Osoegawa, L. A. Pennacchio, A. A. Salamov, Y. Satou, T. Sauka-Spengler, J. Schmutz, T. Shin-I, A. Toyoda, J. J. Gibson-Brown, M. Bronner-Fraser, A. Fujiyama, L. Z. Holland, P. W. H. Holland, N. Satoh* and D. S. Rokhsar*, 2008, "The amphioxus genome and the evolution of the chordate karyotype", Nature, 453, 1064-1071. ( SCI )
7. L. Z. Holland*, R. Albalat, K. Azumi, È. Benito-Gutiérrez, M. J. Blow, M. Bronner-Fraser, F. Brunet, T. Butts, S. Candiani, L. J. Dishaw, D. E. K. Ferrier, J. Garcia-Fernàndez, J. J. Gibson-Brown, C. Gissi, A. Godzik, F. Hallböök, D. Hirose, K. Hosomichi, T. Ikuta, H. Inoko, M. Kasahara, J. Kasamatsu, T. Kawashima, A. Kimura, M. Kobayashi, Z. Kozmik, K. Kubokawa, V. Laudet, G. W. Litman, A. C. McHardy, D. Meulemans, M. Nonaka, R. P. Olinski, Z. Pancer, L. A. Pennacchio, M. Pestarino, J. P. Rast, I. Rigoutsos, M. Robinson-Rechavi, G. Roch, H. Saiga, Y. Sasakura, M. Satake, Y. Satou, M. Schubert, N. Sherwood, T. Shiina, N. Takatori, J. Tello, P. Vopalensky, S. Wada, A. Xu, Y. Ye, K. Yoshida, F. Yoshizaki, J. K. Yu, Q. Zhang, C. M. Zmasek, N. H. Putnam, D. S. Rokhsar, N. Satoh* and P. W. H. Holland*, 2008, "The amphioxus genome illuminates vertebrate origins and cephalochordate biology", Genome Research, 18, 1100-1111. ( SCI )
8. J. K. Yu, F. Mazet, Y. T. Chen, S. W. Huang, K. C. Jung and S. M*. Shimeld, 2008, "The Fox genes of Branchiostoma floridae", Dev. Genes Evol., 218, 629-638. ( SCI)
9. J. K. Yu, Y. Satou, N. D. Holland, T. Shin-I, Y. Kohara, N. Satoh, M. Bronner-Fraser and L. Z. Holland*, 2007, "Axial patterning in cephalochordates and the evolution of the organizer", Nature, 445, 613-617. ( SCI)
10. M. Schubert, J. K. Yu, N. D. Holland, V. Laudet, H. Escriva and L. Z. Holland*, 2005, "Retinoic acid-signaling acts via Hox1 to establish the posterior limit of the pharynx in the chordate amphioxus", Development, 132, 61-73. ( SCI )
One of the specific questions I would like to address with amphioxus as a model system is the origin of neural crest. Arising at the neural plate border, vertebrate neural crest cells undergo an epithelial to mesenchymal transition (EMT) to become a migratory cell population that forms numerous differentiated cell types, including the craniofacial skeleton, much of the peripheral nervous system, and pigment cells of the skin. Evolution of the neural crest is a hallmark of vertebrates, responsible for many complex structures of the vertebrate head that are lacking in invertebrate chordates, like amphioxus. By comparing the genetic controls operating during development at the edges of the neural plate in embryos of amphioxus and traditional vertebrate models, we can start to pin-point which part of the gene regulatory network might have been changed over time.
cDNA database for the cephalochordate amphioxus Branchiostoma floridae
Selected Publications
1. J. K. S. Yu.*, in press, "The evolutionary origin of the vertebrate neural crest and its developmental gene regulatory network - insights from amphioxus", Zoology. ( SCI )
2. B. Bajoghli, N. Aghaallaei, I. Hess, I. Rode, N. Netuschil, B. H. Tay, B. Venkatesh, J. K. Yu, S. L. Kaltenbach, N. D. Holland, D. Diekhoff, C. Happe, M. Schorpp, T. Boehm, 2009, "Evolution of genetic networks underlying the emergence of thymopoiesis in vertebrates.", Cell, 138, 186-197. ( SCI )
3. S. L. Kaltenbach, J. K. Yu, N. D. Holland*, 2009, "The origin and migration of the earliest-developing sensory neurons in the peripheral nervous system of amphioxus", Evol. Dev., 11, 142-151. ( SCI )
4. J. K. Yu*, M. C. Wang, T. Shin-i, Y. Kohara, L. Z. Holland*, N. Satoh* and Y. Satou, 2008, "A cDNA resource for the cephalochordate amphioxus Branchiostoma floridae", Dev Genes Evol., 218, 723-727. ( SCI )
5. J. K. Yu, D. Meulemans, S. J. McKeown and M. Bronner-Fraser*, 2008, "Insights from the amphioxus genome on the origin of vertebrate neural crest", Genome Research, 18, 1127-1132. ( SCI )
6. N. H. Putnam, T. Butts, D. E. K. Ferrier, R. F. Furlong, U. Hellsten, T. Kawashima, M. Robinson-Rechavi, E. Shoguchi, A. Terry, J. K. Yu, È Benito-Gutiérrez, I. Dubchak, J. Garcia-Fernàndez, I. V. Grigoriev, A. C. Horton, P. J. D. Jong, J. Jurka, V. Kapitonov, Y. Kohara, Y. Kuroki, E. Lindquist, S. Lucas, K. Osoegawa, L. A. Pennacchio, A. A. Salamov, Y. Satou, T. Sauka-Spengler, J. Schmutz, T. Shin-I, A. Toyoda, J. J. Gibson-Brown, M. Bronner-Fraser, A. Fujiyama, L. Z. Holland, P. W. H. Holland, N. Satoh* and D. S. Rokhsar*, 2008, "The amphioxus genome and the evolution of the chordate karyotype", Nature, 453, 1064-1071. ( SCI )
7. L. Z. Holland*, R. Albalat, K. Azumi, È. Benito-Gutiérrez, M. J. Blow, M. Bronner-Fraser, F. Brunet, T. Butts, S. Candiani, L. J. Dishaw, D. E. K. Ferrier, J. Garcia-Fernàndez, J. J. Gibson-Brown, C. Gissi, A. Godzik, F. Hallböök, D. Hirose, K. Hosomichi, T. Ikuta, H. Inoko, M. Kasahara, J. Kasamatsu, T. Kawashima, A. Kimura, M. Kobayashi, Z. Kozmik, K. Kubokawa, V. Laudet, G. W. Litman, A. C. McHardy, D. Meulemans, M. Nonaka, R. P. Olinski, Z. Pancer, L. A. Pennacchio, M. Pestarino, J. P. Rast, I. Rigoutsos, M. Robinson-Rechavi, G. Roch, H. Saiga, Y. Sasakura, M. Satake, Y. Satou, M. Schubert, N. Sherwood, T. Shiina, N. Takatori, J. Tello, P. Vopalensky, S. Wada, A. Xu, Y. Ye, K. Yoshida, F. Yoshizaki, J. K. Yu, Q. Zhang, C. M. Zmasek, N. H. Putnam, D. S. Rokhsar, N. Satoh* and P. W. H. Holland*, 2008, "The amphioxus genome illuminates vertebrate origins and cephalochordate biology", Genome Research, 18, 1100-1111. ( SCI )
8. J. K. Yu, F. Mazet, Y. T. Chen, S. W. Huang, K. C. Jung and S. M*. Shimeld, 2008, "The Fox genes of Branchiostoma floridae", Dev. Genes Evol., 218, 629-638. ( SCI)
9. J. K. Yu, Y. Satou, N. D. Holland, T. Shin-I, Y. Kohara, N. Satoh, M. Bronner-Fraser and L. Z. Holland*, 2007, "Axial patterning in cephalochordates and the evolution of the organizer", Nature, 445, 613-617. ( SCI)
10. M. Schubert, J. K. Yu, N. D. Holland, V. Laudet, H. Escriva and L. Z. Holland*, 2005, "Retinoic acid-signaling acts via Hox1 to establish the posterior limit of the pharynx in the chordate amphioxus", Development, 132, 61-73. ( SCI )
Yi-Hsien Su
Development of animal body plans are controlled by large networks of regulatory genes. Gene regulatory networks (GRNs) describe signaling pathways leading to the activation of DNA-recognizing regulatory proteins (transcription factors) and the interactions between the transcription factors and the modular DNA sequence elements that control spatial and temporal expression of regulatory genes. A given set of regulatory genes expressed in certain cells at a certain time during development specifies cell differentiation, organogenesis, and body plan formation.
Sea urchins have been a research model in developmental biology for over a century. They are highly fecund, producing millions of gametes each year. Due to the remarkable usefulness of the echinoderm embryo for modern molecular, cellular and evolutionary biology studies, the genome of the sea urchin Strongylocentrotus purpuratus was sequenced in 2006. The current gene regulatory network (GRN) of the sea urchin Strongylocentrotus purpuratus embryo describes the specification of the endomesodermal territories. However, the specification of the adjacent ectodermal territories of the embryo has been far less explored. Recently, a large-scale gene regulatory network analysis was conducted and an ectoderm specification GRN model was proposed. In the ectoderm GRN, two TGF-ß superfamily members, Nodal and BMP2/4, play key roles in the specification of the oral and aboral ectoderm, respectively. The deduced GRN model provides the first peek at the overall picture of oral and aboral ectoderm specification in the sea urchin embryo and also raises several unanswered questions.
My lab is interested in the roles of Nodal and BMP2/4 in specifying the development of oral and aboral ectoderm in the sea urchin embryo. We are also interested in comparative studies on Nodal in other animals. We use local Taiwanese animals, a hemichordate and a small abalone, to study the function of Nodal in their development. The overall goal of these studies is not only to use a traditional model system, the sea urchin, to investigate important questions that have emerged from GRN analysis, but to also use local animal species with crucial phylogenetic positions to answer fundamental questions. These studies will complement the current ectoderm GRN in the sea urchin embryo, provide further information on how TGF family proteins pattern a specific cell lineage, and shed light on the changes of Nodal function during evolution.
Selected Publications
1. Su Y.H. (2009) Gene regulatory networks for ectoderm specification in sea urchin embryos. Biochimica et Biophysica Acta - Gene Regulatory Mechanisms, 1789, 261-267.
2. Su Y.H., Li E., Geiss G.K., Longabaugh W.J., Kramer A, Davidson E.H. (2009) A perturbation model of the gene regulatory network for oral and aboral ectoderm specification in the sea urchin embryo. Developmental Biology, 329, 410-421.
3. Churamani, D., Boulware, M.J., Geach, T.J., Martin, A.C., Moy, G.W., Su, Y.H., Vacquier, V.D., Marchant, J.S., Dale, L., Patel, S. (2007) Molecular characterization of a novel intracellular ADP-ribosyl cyclase. PLoS One, 2(8): e797.
4. Nam J, Su Y.H., Lee P.Y., Robertson A.J., Coffman J.A., Davidson E.H. (2007) Cis-regulatory control of the nodal gene, initiator of the sea urchin oral ectoderm gene network. Developmental Biology, 306, 860-869.
5. Roux, M.M., Townley, I.K., Raisch, M., Reade, A., Bradham, C., Humphreys, G., Gunaratne, H.J., Killian, C.E., Moy, G., Su, Y.H., Ettensohn, C.A., Wilt, F., Vacquier, V.D., Burke, R.D., Wessel, G., and Foltz, K.R. (2006) A functional genomic and proteomic perspective of sea urchin calcium signaling and egg activation. Developmental Biology, 300, 416-433.
6. Sodergren, E., et al., (2006) The genome of the sea urchin Strongylocentrotus purpuratus. Science, 314, 941-952.
7. Su, Y.H. and Vacquier, V.D. (2006) Cyclic GMP-specific phosphodiesterase-5 regulates motility of sea urchin spermatozoa. Molecular Biology of the Cell, 17, 114-121.
8. Su, Y.H.*, Chen, S.H., Zhou, H., and Vacquier, V.D. (2005) Tandem mass spectrometry identifies proteins phosphorylated by cyclic AMP-dependent protein kinase when sea urchin sperm undergo the acrosome reaction. Developmental Biology, 285, 116-125 (*corresponding author).
9. Su, Y.H. and Vacquier, V.D. (2002) A flagellar K+-dependent Na+/Ca2+ exchanger keeps Ca2+ low in sea urchin spermatozoa. Proceedings of the National Academy
Sea urchins have been a research model in developmental biology for over a century. They are highly fecund, producing millions of gametes each year. Due to the remarkable usefulness of the echinoderm embryo for modern molecular, cellular and evolutionary biology studies, the genome of the sea urchin Strongylocentrotus purpuratus was sequenced in 2006. The current gene regulatory network (GRN) of the sea urchin Strongylocentrotus purpuratus embryo describes the specification of the endomesodermal territories. However, the specification of the adjacent ectodermal territories of the embryo has been far less explored. Recently, a large-scale gene regulatory network analysis was conducted and an ectoderm specification GRN model was proposed. In the ectoderm GRN, two TGF-ß superfamily members, Nodal and BMP2/4, play key roles in the specification of the oral and aboral ectoderm, respectively. The deduced GRN model provides the first peek at the overall picture of oral and aboral ectoderm specification in the sea urchin embryo and also raises several unanswered questions.
My lab is interested in the roles of Nodal and BMP2/4 in specifying the development of oral and aboral ectoderm in the sea urchin embryo. We are also interested in comparative studies on Nodal in other animals. We use local Taiwanese animals, a hemichordate and a small abalone, to study the function of Nodal in their development. The overall goal of these studies is not only to use a traditional model system, the sea urchin, to investigate important questions that have emerged from GRN analysis, but to also use local animal species with crucial phylogenetic positions to answer fundamental questions. These studies will complement the current ectoderm GRN in the sea urchin embryo, provide further information on how TGF family proteins pattern a specific cell lineage, and shed light on the changes of Nodal function during evolution.
Selected Publications
1. Su Y.H. (2009) Gene regulatory networks for ectoderm specification in sea urchin embryos. Biochimica et Biophysica Acta - Gene Regulatory Mechanisms, 1789, 261-267.
2. Su Y.H., Li E., Geiss G.K., Longabaugh W.J., Kramer A, Davidson E.H. (2009) A perturbation model of the gene regulatory network for oral and aboral ectoderm specification in the sea urchin embryo. Developmental Biology, 329, 410-421.
3. Churamani, D., Boulware, M.J., Geach, T.J., Martin, A.C., Moy, G.W., Su, Y.H., Vacquier, V.D., Marchant, J.S., Dale, L., Patel, S. (2007) Molecular characterization of a novel intracellular ADP-ribosyl cyclase. PLoS One, 2(8): e797.
4. Nam J, Su Y.H., Lee P.Y., Robertson A.J., Coffman J.A., Davidson E.H. (2007) Cis-regulatory control of the nodal gene, initiator of the sea urchin oral ectoderm gene network. Developmental Biology, 306, 860-869.
5. Roux, M.M., Townley, I.K., Raisch, M., Reade, A., Bradham, C., Humphreys, G., Gunaratne, H.J., Killian, C.E., Moy, G., Su, Y.H., Ettensohn, C.A., Wilt, F., Vacquier, V.D., Burke, R.D., Wessel, G., and Foltz, K.R. (2006) A functional genomic and proteomic perspective of sea urchin calcium signaling and egg activation. Developmental Biology, 300, 416-433.
6. Sodergren, E., et al., (2006) The genome of the sea urchin Strongylocentrotus purpuratus. Science, 314, 941-952.
7. Su, Y.H. and Vacquier, V.D. (2006) Cyclic GMP-specific phosphodiesterase-5 regulates motility of sea urchin spermatozoa. Molecular Biology of the Cell, 17, 114-121.
8. Su, Y.H.*, Chen, S.H., Zhou, H., and Vacquier, V.D. (2005) Tandem mass spectrometry identifies proteins phosphorylated by cyclic AMP-dependent protein kinase when sea urchin sperm undergo the acrosome reaction. Developmental Biology, 285, 116-125 (*corresponding author).
9. Su, Y.H. and Vacquier, V.D. (2002) A flagellar K+-dependent Na+/Ca2+ exchanger keeps Ca2+ low in sea urchin spermatozoa. Proceedings of the National Academy
文章 (Atom)